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Showing posts from November, 2013Show all
How to Make a Pinwheel – Art Projects For Kids
How to Make a Paper Ball - Art projects for kids
How to Make a Paper Banger - Art projects for kids
How to Make a Paper Cup? - Art projects for kids
Where is the Panama Canal?
Panama Canal - What is the Panama Canal?
History of Hospitals - First Hospital In The World?
History of the Post Office
First Bank In The World - When was the first bank established in the world?
Heliograph - Communicating by light
Morse Code for Kids and Morse Code Alphabet
Semaphore Alphabet
Games for youth groups – The relay game
Periwinkle Flowers - Rosy Periwinkle - Cure From The Rain Forests
What Protist Causes Malaria?
What is a Vaccination and Why is it Important?
Hypothalamus For Kids - What does the Hypothalamus do?
Where is the Pituitary Gland Located and What does the Pituitary Gland Do?
Hormone definition for kids - What are Hormones?
Human Spinal Cord - What is the function of the spinal cord and What is Reflex?
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