Toy Stable Plans - A Homemade Toy Stable
If you prefer a garage instead of this stable, you may omit the stalls, and make one or two large windows in the rear wall in place of the small high windows shown.The building's construction is very simple. The dimensions are: width, twenty-four inches; depth, twelve inches; and height, twenty-two inches.
The barn contains five stalls on the ground floor and a hay-loft above.
Fig. 239.—Interior of Stable.
To build the stable according to the drawings, a box ten by twelve by twenty-four inches should be procured for
The First Story. If you have a box of different proportions it will be a simple matter to make such alterations in the details as it will require.
The Roof is made in two sections, each fifteen by eighteen inches, and is fastened to the top of the box so that the peak is twenty-two inches above the bottom.
The Gable-end is made in four pieces, as shown in Fig. 240, A, B, and C, to be nailed in place, and D to be movable as in the case of the doll-house. Make a three-by-five-inch window in the center of D, and fasten the glass in place with strips cut as described in Chapter XIII. Strips should be nailed to the roof just inside of the movable section to prevent the latter from setting in too far, and a spring catch fastened to C and D as shown, to hold the movable section in place.
Fig. 240.—Front Gable-end.

Fig. 241.—Stall Partitions.
Figure 241 gives the patterns and measurements for
The Stall Partitions, four of which should be cut out and fastened to the floor of the stable four inches apart, or so they will divide the inside width into five equal stalls.
The Feed-troughs are made out of two strips of cigar [Pg 163]boxes fitted between the stalls, as shown in Figs. 239 and 241, and are fastened in place by means of brads and glue. Above the stalls cut
Small Windows an inch and one-half square in the rear wall. These are the ventilating windows for the stalls, and may be left open.
Figure 242 shows the construction of
Fig. 242.—Ladder to Hay-loft.
A Ladder to the hay-loft. This is made out of two sticks twelve inches long, with strips of cigar-boxes two inches long glued to them half an inch apart, as shown in the drawing. Cut away a section of the hay-loft floor two inches square and stick the end of the ladder up through the opening, fastening the uprights to the edge of the floor (see Fig. 242).
A stick about three inches long, with a very small pulley attached near the end, should be fastened in the peak of the roof for a Feed-hoist (see Fig. 238).
The first story has
A Drop-front, as shown in Figs. 238 and 239. This is made from the box-cover. Fasten the boards together with battens placed upon the inside, and hinge it to the bottom of the stable. Nail two cleats to the under side of the floor (see Fig. 238) to lift it off the ground just enough to allow the front to drop without springing its hinges.
When the front is down it forms an incline upon which to run the horses into the stable. For this reason it is not advisable to cut an opening in it, but merely
Represent a Stable Door on the outside (see Fig. 238). This is done with paint and a fine brush. First paint a green panel in the center of the front, and then mark off a couple of panels within this space with black paint, and stripe them diagonally to represent beaded-boards.
With strips of wood half an inch wide make
A Simple Trim around the door, the sides of the stable, and around the gable, as shown in the illustration.
When the carpenter work has been finished,
Paint the Inside of the stable white, and the outside the same colors as used for the doll-house (see description in Chapter XIII).
If you Prefer a Garage, use your ingenuity to fit up the interior of the building as you think it ought to be.
Published, August, 1915
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