The eyes and nose are connected by the tear duct. Even when we are not crying, the tear glands produce tear fluid all the time. They do this to keep the eyes moist and clean, but also to supply nutrients to the cornea.
What runs out of the nose is tear fluid.
This tear fluid flows from the outside to the inside, which means that our lacrimal glands supply fluid to the eye. This liquid partially evaporates; on the other hand, it flows off inside, via the tear duct - and this duct ends in the nose.
Normally we do not notice this because only small amounts of fluid disappear there and these are lost, so to speak, in the expanses of the nasal mucous membranes.
But when we cry we produce a large excess of tear fluid; the eye then has "high water": a part overflows - these are the tears that flow down the face; but larger amounts of tear fluid also flow away through the tear duct and come out of the nose as salty dripping wetness.
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